Getting rid of unwanted hair is an age-old issue, with long-term hair removal being particularly challenging.
Estetiko uses Alma Soprano ICE Platinum Diode Lasers, Alma’s SHR hair removal method uses groundbreaking technology to offer a simple, one-stop solution for truly effective hair removal. SHR’s unique gradual heating method effectively damages the hair follicles while avoiding injury to the surrounding skin. The sweeping In-motionTM delivery technique keeps the laser in constant motion ensuring full coverage.
The Soprano ICE Platinum combines 3 laser wavelengths into a single innovative handpiece, simultaneously targeting different tissue depths as well as anatomical structures within the hair follicle. By combining the absorption and penetration levels of three different wavelengths better and more consistent results can be achieved compared to single wavelength devices.
The difference Between IPL and SHR?
IPL uses a single intense pulse of energy that is targeted at melanin, which makes it effective on dark and coarse hair. However, this means that it has little effect on finer hair. People with a higher melanin count, or darker skin tones, will have more uncomfortable sessions since their skin will absorb more heat energy.
SHR, on the other hand, uses gentler pulses of energy at a higher frequency so the skin is heated gently. Furthermore, only 50% of the energy is targeted at melanin, which makes the hair less dark and coarse, while the other half targets the stem cells responsible for hair production. Therefore, both coarse and fine hairs are targeted and the removal process is more thorough and permanent.

Shave area the night before treatment.
No waxing, tweezing, or electrolysis or hair bleach to the area being treated 3weeks prior.
No fake tan present on areas.
Avoid sun exposure in the last 2 weeks prior and always use sun protection.
Redness and swelling may occur and generally subsides within hours, but may last longer.
For 24 hours post-treatment, avoid shaving, waxing or plucking hair, exfoliation, excessive sweating, swimming or saunas, very hot showers and tight restrictive clothing.
Avoid sun exposure for at least 2 weeks after laser hair removal.
Wear SPF 30 or higher
If uncomfortable post treatment, cool the area regularly using soothing gel.
For best results use the recommend homecare products.